
By ionnature

At the Mall

Taking a quick visit to the mall today before it becomes unbearably crowded, I had my small camera in hand, ready for some stealth photography. There are rows of chairs strewn throughout the mall and most of them contain waiting men, like this. I zoomed in a bit and was totally busted by this man. But I nonchalantly walked behind the row of seats and moseyed along.

A little further down, I encountered this very charming young man at his kiosk where he sells Dead Sea skin products imported from Israel. His name is Adir and he was born in the U.S. His family moved to Israel when he was an infant and that is where he was raised; he moved back to the U.S. three years ago. He was reluctant to have his picture taken but I succumbed to a sample hand scrub and purchase, so how could he refuse?

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