Work in progress

Seen from the roof of the turbinehall of unit EC 20:
The progress at the new auxiliary boiler.
A bit small building for this boiler.
Why so small? Nobody knows.
There's enough space everybody I talk to says.

Anyway: the boiler is meant for the future when we are supposed to start up all the units right after each other (and sometimes almost together) after the weekend.
When this kind of unit starts up, we begin the start by firing the gasturbine.
The steamturbine is at the same shaft and is running idle then.
Above 1100 rpm the low pressure turbine (with it's huge rotorblades) can become overheated. So it has to be cooled down with auxiliary steam. (about 20 t/h).
That's what this boiler is meant for...
So we have then a total of three auxiliary boilers.

Here in LARGE....

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