Little Diwali

A friendly chill nudged at the door as I opened it today morning. My day wouldn't begin till later so I pounced upon the words, which though rewarding at intervals, have made for a bumpy ride this time that's about to close. I am also midway into Lance Armstrong's It's not about the bike. Have found it a bit too flat and mildly narcissistic and not as interesting as some of my friends had thought. I am hoping the good bits are still to come.

What I found interesting about yesterday's chocolates as we were having them today, was how much care had gone into wrapping each piece. Not only does it take a while to open them, the colours of the wrappers are ambiguous. The taste of each one is subtly different, some darker than the others, some fruitier, some with a mild fragrance of coffee, some with an almond or a cashew-nut inside... it was like opening gifts wondering what they contain. I enjoyed the surprises and also how it subtly limited the number we consumed.

The after-effects of the bits of procrastination today will be like a punch in the face, but not before next week. So I shall close my eyes and have fun for a while. There has been much to do and arrange that has taken up my time. I shall be riding tomorrow and I'm hoping we can explore the villages a bit more before hitting the tar on our way back.

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