
Giuseppe Stampone / No Longer Empty

No Longer Empty is a New York based arts collective. Formed last year with the idea of putting art into the increasing numbers of empty retail and office spaces in Manhattan, the Liverpool Biennial is the first time they've been on the road.

The photo shows one of a number of pieces installed in an empty office building in Seel Street, all of which are based around the theme of sound. This one is 5 coffin shaped speakers, said to represent the 5 countries responsible for the current economic downturn - although, precisely which 5 they are is left to the viewer to decide. If you put 10p in the slot then you get a national anthem played through the speakers. And then you wonder where the money will go or for what it will be used.

There's some seriously cool stuff in this building and I'll try and go back to blip some more.

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