
By Echo

Reports. Old School style.

My reports from Junior school to my leaving at 18. These were reports that told it as it was. Now more and more are watered down. I'm all for encouraging children and not being negative but I just feel things have gone too far the other way. In many schools teachers have a choice of pre-set comments to choose from. Quite who has set them I do not know.
When I read some of the comments that were made on my reports I doubt whether they would get passed to go home but I have to admit they were probably true especially as I had been forced to do and A level subject, which I had not done at O Level, instead of a subject of my choice I resented this and found the subject difficult with no grounding.
Was shocked last night to see Gillian Gibbons on the news. She was, until she went to the Sudan, a member of my art group.

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