
By Amalarian


This is Ambra, daughter of Piero whose picture was here yesterday. She is a lively girl who sings quite well. She is a menace on the narrow roads as she hurtles her little car around the curves. I should have close cropped. She looks better in large.

The hills are alive with the sound of everything but music. Normally, Sundays are quiet. Church bells ring, families go out for lunches that last for two or more hours, come home and sink into a torpor. Not today. The reason for this is that it isn't raining for a change but is due to start again tomorrow.

People are out putting down nets, picking olives, hanging out laundry, stacking wood, clearing terraces of leaves. There are hunters, too. Loud blasts from their guns are causing our dogs to freak out.

Yesterday I ran into Piero at the cross roads and did a couple snaps of him. Today, I ran into his daughter, Ambra at the same time and in the same place.

I also ran into Luigi Sorbi who was wearing a bright orange shirt and matching cap (tempting) a lot of other people and -- two hunters dressed in military camouflage clothing. Their four-by-four blocked our road.

Angry words were exchanged. There is no law of trespass in Italy so they had the right to be out hunting wherever they wanted but no right to park in the middle of our road. After all the pleasant and happy faces I saw, the faces of these two men were fierce and ugly.

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