Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Who knew?

Who knew it was so tough to be a five year old boy. I remember fun and friends at five. I suppose if I think back hard enough, there were things that were tough, but being a girl is different.

My son has always been sweet, full of life, excited, kind, loving, thoughtful and determined.

Since starting school, those traits seemed to be hindered by new feelings of frustration and anger, while being more aggressive, unreasonable and unmanageable at times.

This image is sort of a yin and yang I suppose with the light and dark. He was more than happy to pose his grumpy self for me.

He is still a wonderful little boy with a true heart of gold, but I struggle with these new frustrations, because I can't seem to communicate with him. It's like night and day for the last 2 months.

I want my happy little boy back. I hope he finds himself soon, and I wish I knew how to help him.

And yes, I know he's only five...but he's SO DRAMATIC, and it's exhausting.

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