
By Barking

Just paddlin'

Canterbury's home from the West Coast where he's been working for the past few days. He's full of 'man-flu', so I can see some serious TLC being required over the next few days. My cold is lingering a smidge (not complaining!) but is much, much better.

Cousteau is being a wee angel.

N came over for a coffee after school with R. R is a total riot. She's 5 (and a half!) and is into everything. She climbs like a monkey and doesn't seem to be scared of anything - except maybe socialising. She's quite shy with people she doesn't know. Fortunately, she's a complete nutter with me and that's the way I like it. N and I were bundled up in fleeces and R stripped off her shoes and socks, rolled up her leggings and went paddling with the ducks. She's a hard-case. The best photos of her are when she doesn't know you're taking it. Lovely to see you guys. Thanks for coming round.

KD's Flower perfection was great. I'll point my niece in his direction to take a look - Lily's her middle name.

All is well in the world of Barking.

7 days - no complaining - one third of the way to bracelet off day.

Have a fantastic weekend.



and this is amazing!

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