It is a beautiful life-

By domo


My good friend Jen and I had a semi idea together a few nights ago. She had taken a picture of a ring, and another one of my friends, Kate ,had taken a picture of jewelry as well. I decided that I wanted to do a jewelry shot as well, but not with a ring. I decided on a necklace.
It took me a while to get it right because I did not want my chin or lips in the shot (which is amusing, because I told Jen this and her latest picture is one of her chin and lips!). We talked to each into the wee hours of the night while I was doing this, and she was helping along with ideas. I kept working on it, and finally after a few days of trying to get the shot right, this is the final product.

This string of pearls was given to me by my mom when I was 14. They use to belong to her.

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