A Dog's Dinner

By G

Street Fighting Man

Another day of highs and lows in the studio, it may be many things but -it's never dull, but it was a bit quiet.

Hilly's off on holiday, she's gone to the home of the Sticky Toffee Pudding.

Mr Blogs was attached to a pair of headphones all day and GB was diddling away.

I on the other hand managed to have a verbal fight in the street before 10 o'clock.

I was popping out for some milk, like you do, and walking along the pavement when a van driver decided that the road was far to busy and he attempted to accompany me on the aforementioned pavement.

When I pointed out that vehicles were, by law, only allowed to drive on the road and pedestrians usually kept their side of the bargain by not doing so - he asked me, in a not so subtle way, what my problem was.

I responded by telling him, he was, or to be precise his misuse of his companies vehicle was the problem. One thing led to another, and the time he saved by his manoeuvring was now more than used up in debating my sanity.

The photograph, other hand is a small homage to my latest hero Bill Eggleston

Ah well!

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