Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Party time

Another Fire Station birthday party. My son celebrated his 4th birthday at the station last year and this year, it was my daughter's turn. For a week (once she began to believe us that she was actually 3), she went around saying to people:

"Hi, I dree, I have my Dora dirtday darty at da Dire Dation"
(Hi, I am three, I am having my Dora birthday party at the Fire Station)

She was SO excited the day of her party. She wore a pink dress/tutu party outfit and had a smile from ear to ear. Dora was the theme. And she can say 'Dora' very well. We had a large turnout of family and friends with 10 little friends to help her open presents, eat cupcakes/ice cream, take a station tour, look at the Fire Trucks, and spray the fire hose.

She was thrilled with the Tinkerbell Scooter that we got for her and instead of walking the station tour, she rode her scooter with the help of her Papa. She was surrounded with love and attention. And she knew it. When my husband set up the Fire hoses, the kids shrieked. These cute Dalmatian Dog signs were set up to be the targets and each of the kids had multiple turns at the front of the hose knocking them down.

I love this photo of my husband and my daughter because she is such a little 'Daddy's girl'. She will always remember this party through stories and photographs. And I know that this particular photo will always be a very special one to her. She is our three year old 'dig durl' (big girl) now and she, along with our son, continue to make our lives beautiful, full, and meaningful.

Happy Birthday my little 'dig durl'......

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