Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Chris The Porter

With the exception of Monday's photo, my blips over the last few days have been more "diary" than "photography" which is fine, but a main reason for doing blip is to develop my skills, so this is me getting back to trying to improve at taking portraits.

This is Chris, or to give him his full name: Chris the Porter. Bringer of payslips and post; eater of cakes and all-round lovely bloke who brightens the office twice a day. If you're thinking he's looking a bit unshaven, it's because he's growing a moustache for Movember.

I still uncomfortable taking photos of people and feel the need to get it done as quickly as possible, before they get bored/fed-up/wander off which means I don't pay as much attention as possible to the backgrounds. So, this is why it's a tight crop on the top of his head as it looked like he'd a piece of wall growing out the top it.....

It's taken in natural light, which I like, but considering it's taken on the 450D with my very good Tamrom macro lens, I'm not overwhelmed by the quality of the image.

Any advice/suggestions for improving technique are much appreciated.

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