
After last week's strong winds, the weather has been behaving itself this week. Work is beginning to break for the next issue of the quarterly magazine which is the mainstay of my design year, but things haven't yet taken off to the extent that I don't have some spare time and can get out into the open air to enjoy the pleasant weather.

It didn't take long to do what needed to be done for work, so I headed out immediately after lunch. I parked the car out past Malahide and walked from there to the grand expanse of Portamarnock beach. The tide was on the way in, and the waves were rolling nicely. It had been a fair old walk, so I only ventured onto the top end of the beach and did a bit of blipping. By the time I got back to the car I was well pleased with myself after an invigorating and far from sissy walk.

That's about all that happened today. While writing this up I can't help wondering how I managed to let things get so far behind here at Blipfoto, since I'm writing this on Thursday and I'm also only now back-blipping Monday (Passing by) and Tuesday (Hubcaps).

Bigger waves

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