A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

A New Day

It's actually the end of the day - setting sun, but it feels like a new day to me. Today I found Dad a new doctor in his new Midwest surroundings. The doctor fit the bill and was just what the ....was about to say, "Dr. ordered..." He is young and understanding and seems to really know his stuff. He hasn't even seen my dad's lengthy medical records yet and he already made a couple of suggestions to adjust his meds (just the timing on when he takes them) to possibly ease up some of the daily dizziness he's experiencing. I like him. Dad likes him. End of story.

It is 25 degrees Fahrenheit and earlier today my southern California native dad asked me, "Is it really going to get as cold as you say it is?" Haha! I guess the lesson is, let him have his own experience...he still doesn't really understand why he needs a winter coat. He's lived 85 years without one, after all. Gloves, hat, scarves????? He'll figure it out eventually.

Thanks to all of you who left such warm comments on my return blip a couple days ago. It truly warms my heart more than words can say. It's late here in Chicagoland and I'm headed for bed real soon. I wish I had more energy to spend perusing all your wonderful blips, but soon, I hope, soon.


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