X Sighted

By q8rdave


Two for the price of one.

Above is BC Binosa - a primary hybrid (the cross between two species rather than hybrid on hybrid). Brassavola nodosa x Cattkeya bicolor. In this case it is also a "tetraploid" - it has four sets of genes as opposed to the usual two - a genetic boon. Therefore it has stronger color, stiffer upper petals and a larger lip. (I wonder if this tetraploid thing would work on human males - I could make a fortune!!)

The second is a "windowsill" Cattleya. This type are bred to be smaller so, unlike its much bigger relatives, it can sit easily in a tight, bright space. It is SC Crystelle Smith 'BK Orchids' AM/AOS. Named for the breeder's Mom (or Mum) which is a really sweet thing to do. Its clonal name is that of the grower that mericloned this particular plant and it received an Award of Merit (the second highest award) from the judges of the American Orchid Society. The SC indicates it is a hybrid of two genera - Sophronitis and a Cattleya. The flower is about 2" in diameter.

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