
By CleanSteve

Minor neglect

Oh how I struggled to get to the meeting point by 10am this morning, and it was only about 200 yards from our front door, but uphill all the way. We were having a guided tour of the town's parks and open spaces, which we as the council are responsible for managing.

It was very interesting, especially in the old cemetery, where the massively overgrown mausoleum of Sir John Dorrington and his family has been revealed again, now that the survey of the badger holt has been completed. I took some pics, but the rain, the dull light and a lack of time, produced unsatisfactory pictures. I will try again another day, as there are some amazing architectural features worth showing. I will honour it using the 50mm lens.

We finished up on the other side of town at about 3pm and then I wandered home. On a whim, I took a look down an alleyway, close to the town centre, where I haven't ventured before, and came across a small car park tucked behind old workshop buildings. I spotted this old abandoned Morris Minor van, slowly sinking into its own version of a compost heap. I have tried to heighten the colours a bit, as I loved the lichen, moss, rust and remnants of various coats of paintwork. Somehow the sky has developed these lovely tones too, which must in some way have been in the data, but I didn't notice till I played around. After yesterdays colours, this is an altogether different look.

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