
By Barking


Today's blip comes with a funny story attached.

My little pixies had their French NCEA (GCSE/AS) exams today. In NZ, the teacher has to read the listening assessment, instead of using a CD. I've only done it a few times and so am not terribly au fait with the whole process.

I dutifully turned up at 9 am to read through the transcript so that I would be ready for the exam to start at 9.30. Unfortunately, I forgot that once I'd read it, it wasn't ethical for me to go and have a chat with my students outside.

It took a whole 5 minutes to read through it twice and then I sat twiddling my thumbs, gazing mournfully out of the window at my students and wanting to go out and chat to them, wish them luck and the like.

Then I spotted these flowers in a vase. I was busy blipping them - slow shutter speed so therefore on my knees, elbows resting on the table - when a parent came bursting into the room. She was out of breath and just stopped, stared at me and apologised for disturbing me. She thought that I was praying until I turned around and she spotted the 20D! It tranpired that her daughter had had a nasty car accident on her way in to the exam. To her credit, M still sat her exam. I hope she did okay.

I sometimes don't realise how much of myself I invest in these kids, but last night at midnight, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't work out what was keeping me awake, but now that the exams are out of the way, the knot in my stomach seems to have undone itself. Phew.

Can you spot the wee bug on the flower - I didn't notice it until I put it on the computer.

Off to agility tonight.


Windy Haze

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