The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Big Bird

Traffic chaos was today caused as Big Bird came to Perth.

The things advertisers get away with to advertise their whisky......I ask you?

Ok, ok, it's just an art instalation. Not a Kelpie, one of six, or a naked mermaid type sculpture. Nope, it's a Big bird (grouse actually). We in Perth just had to go a few better erm......

I'm sure it'll be lovely when it's finished and attract lots of tourists to Perth........

Spent the day mostly lying down, trying out new mattresses, then coming home to research the reviews online. Memory foam gives me a headache, but hopefully might help me get a good nights sleep, if only we had bought one.

We finally have a happy Curlyfries.
His lost phone is found and all the girls who were waiting for his every word, will dry their tears and sleep well.

At least they can!

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