
By mollyblobs

Wash sunset

I've just arrived home from visiting a friend who lives in a cottage on the edge of the Wash. Avoiding the showers, we went for an afternoon walk. The saltmarsh is a lovely place, teeming with birds at this time of year - large flocks of dark-bellied brent geese, redshank, oystercatchers, curlews and little egrets, as well as swirling flocks of more distant waders, probably knot.

I tried taking photographs of some of these, but always find it hard to concentrate if I have someone chatting to me. I also don't have the right equipment so I wasn't happy with the quality of the shots I took, though some may eventally appear on my blog. Instead I went for a sunset - the first I have posted.

We had a lovely day together, reminiscing about the days when our children used to go and have mud fights in the Wash, and would have to be hosed down in the garden before they were allowed back in the house. It seems hard to believe her younger daughter will be seventeen tomorrow!

Many thanks to everyone who commented on my gloomy plume poppy - I was very surprised and delighted to find it had reached the Spotlight page today! I will bear in mind the requests to document the plume poppy at other times of year! I'm off to bed now and will catch up with comments in the morning.

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