Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Home Time

As I was driving H back from school the sun was setting but I'd dashed out without my handbag because I was in a rush because Noah had decided to fill his nappy just as we were rushing out of the door and in all the kerfuffle of changing him I left my bag and ergo my camera at home!

So I dumped the boys in the house and yelled to Bob (in his office) that I'd be ten minutes.

Unfortunately, by the time I'd grabbed my camera, changed the lens, and driven back up the road I'd lost the orb of the sun. Disappointed, I turned to get back in the car and spotted a load of gulls in the field across the road just taking off. I spun around and waited until they flew over. I got a couple of good shots but this was my favourite. In this shot I cloned out the gull who appeared as an amorphous blob and kept the two well-defined silhouettes.

Noah has spent the day building towers bigger than him! He did pause to 'help' me make a fruit cake though...he likes to watch the Kitchen Aid mixer, he finds it totally fascinating.

Henry has been playing O Come All Ye Faithful on the piano...badly...for the past hour and I think my ear drums are now bleeding. He's very determined when he gets an idea in head but I think the music he's found in my stash is just a bit too advanced for him...I may have to go and hide it while he's in the bath.

Probably better large

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