A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

Ardverikie Gatehouse

My wife and I returned today from an eighteen day trip south to visit friends and family whilst getting to know our new motorhome. It has been both educational and fun but not entirely without its problems.

I managed to totally drain the vehicle battery by mistake one night. Fortunately with some help from a friend we were able to get going again. I have learnt a lot about the relationship between amps and volts where our leisure batteries are concerned and for that mattter the vehicle battery.

We have experienced torrential rain, thick fog, some sunshine and lastly snow and freezing conditions. We got home safely this afternoon having driven through some beautiful snowy scenes. However being responsible for a 3.8 tonne motorhome I was unable to just draw up and take a photograph so regretably many of the scenes I have seen today remain unrecorded by me.

We came back over Drumochter Pass and along the side of Loch Lagan before which I was able to stop and take this photograph of the Gatehouse to Ardverikie House which some of you may know better as Glenbogle.

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