Lost Between Worlds

By PaganParent

You Can Have Your Black Friday...

I will take mine in sepia tones. With eggnog....in a wine glass. A piano, worn from use, ivory missing. Yes, ivory keys, real ivory keys. Pecans in a basket. With candles on a plate. And, of course, Christmas music. Why? I don't celebrate Christmas, I celebrate Yule...and the house I am visiting is Jewish and Pagan, so they celebrate Hanukkah and Yule. But it was there...

So while everyone is freezing in the cold, and huddling around each other for warmth while waiting to fight tooth and nail for that $100 TV and the $200 laptop, I will just sit here, sipping my eggnog, and poorly playing a piano.

Enjoy your morning!

Yes, this moment of peace and tranquility will be interrupted soon by the realization that I AM, in fact, moving today. But, for now, I am just glad I am not even the slightest bit tempted to enter the mob that is Black Friday shopping.

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