The Big Wheel

A trip into town this morning afforded me this blip of the ferris wheel in Princes Street Gardens, set against a wonderfully blue sky.
Despite all the predictions of waking up to a blanket of snow, we had a beautifully crisp day with no wind, clear skies and no white stuff.

With the shopping and blipping done in record time, I celebrated with a visit to the gym before lunch.
This was a kind of masochistic 'me' time before getting stuck into yet more wrapping up of parcels which takes pain to new levels.

A big family is fun most of the time, but Christmas takes the smile off my face.
It's not the worrying about what to get 25 family members, although that is bad enough, it's the commercial like organisation required for the wrapping up of presents.
As soon as the operation starts the roll of paper unwinds and falls off the edge of the table, the scissors hide themselves amongst the ribbon and gift tags, some of the presents are unwrappable shapes and the sellotape prefers to stick to your fingers than adhere to the paper.

But the job has been done with not a few mutterings and all that remains is to take out a mortgage for the stamps and postage costs to foreign parts.

Time for a G&T methinks

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