Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Can sheep smirk?

Go large to see the lovely texture on his nose :-)

No snow...yet, but it's absolutely perishing round our way.

Still, bright blue skies had us all reaching for our thermals and heading off for a walk with the dog. It was really still this morning so I thought I'd take my macro lens.

Then we came across my friends the sheep from yesterday. This chap (or chapette...I'm not really sure as they all had horns) stood his or her ground for a while in spite of my over-excited dog...'IT'S A SHEEP! OH MY GOODNESS A SHEEP!...LOOK A SHEEP...A REAL LIVE SHEEP...etc etc etc' while racing round and round Henry in ever decreasing circles until Henry's legs were tied firmly together with the lead and he keeled gently over into a bush. Note the faintly amused expression on the sheep's face!

Anyway, my Canon 100mm macro served as a very nice, and rather sharp, portrait lens too.

Big mugs of hot chocolate and a roast dinner later and Sunday was pretty much perfect.

Hope you've all had a good weekend.


The No had a brilliant idea (well, I think it's a brilliant idea anyway) where we use Sunday to recommend Blippers whose journals we like and who maybe haven't come to many peole's attention yet. I've taken this from The No's page.

Sub Sunday

Know how on Twitter they have Follow Friday, where people recommend other tweeters? I am going to start doing the same thing on here. And to preserve the alliterative gimmick, on it has to be Sub Sunday.

So the first journal I'm recommending is Alfredo's lovely journal Random Photos

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