Lisa and the Boys

By narabug

100 blips!

Well, when I first starting blipping, I had no idea of a few things:

1. How bad a photographer I used to be (I had a fairly good idea that I wasn't at all brilliant, though!)
2. How much improved a photographer I now am (though I appreciate I still have a way to go and a lot more to learn!)
3. That blipping would become so addictive!
4. That my 100th blip would actually be an unintentional shot, rather than a specific staged one which I'd been trying to plan but hadn't got very far!

Thank you so very much for your kind words on all of my blips to date, and I hope you like this gull who very kindly started posing for me when all his/her friends deserted him/her when I approached with the camera (I don't blame them, I think I'd also have escaped whilst I still could)!!!

P.S. It now looks nothing like that here. The snow has finally hit!

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