secret garden

By freespiral

A misty moisty morning

Lots of rain in the night so no more snow, but still very cold. We are in a little dip and there was a strange mist swirling around - not sure if it was because the air was warmer or colder than elsewhere, but it seemed very localised. The pond is still frozen solid and the strange lump to the right is the gunnera, wrapped up in its own leaves and put to bed for the winter.

Lisa, of love shack fame, came for lunch. She too is madly into genealogy - she can practically trace her lot back to God!! Really! Once you have someone with a title in the family, and she has, the records are incredible. Lady Godiva, Charlemagne, Anne Boleyn - she's related to them all! I suppose once you get back far enough we're all related anyway. No nobility amongst my rabbit catchers :(

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