Daily Wild

By emyjane

Clever Bird

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Shock horror it's a bird again!!! Well the weather has been dismal, so no nice landscape photography... the birds always win/save the day!

This is a blue tit. We have so many in the garden & they're clever because whenever I hang out a new seeder, or place an old seeder in a different position (as it's advisable to move your feeding stations around which is good for hygiene) the blue tits are ALWAYS the ones who find them first!

They, like the other members of their family live a very frantic life, in out, in out - but they're more sociable, a bit like the long tailed tits, unlike many birds they 'put up with each other' & hardly ever fight amongst themselves.

I try not to have favourite birds, but these would certainly be in my top 10, er, make that 20.... no wait SO MANY BIRDS TO CHOOSE FROM... make that 30.... hang on....40? 50! ;-)

Edit: forgot to say - note the buds on the branch - dormant for now but ready to burst come March - happy days! :)

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