
By rainie

Bumbling Bee

I have always admired flys, bees and the like from other blippers, and had spent some time a few weeks ago stalking bumble bees but with no luck.....gave it up as a bad job and resigned to the fact of just viewing and enjoying other peoples masterpieces......this ofcourse is not a masterpiece, but it is a bee & almost sharp!!

After yesterdays colourful christmas parade blip I though I'd go for something dreamy and soft. Lensbaby Composer f2.8 in hand I set about doing some garden picies. Low & behold this little fellow came along, settled & bingo - I've got the soft, dreamy look plus a bee.

Lawns mowed and roses de headed behind me for a few days, I really enjoy the deheading, quite theraputic amongst the garden, enjoying the fresh air and the lovely perfumes from roses and other plants. My garden is looking magnificent in colour just now.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday


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