Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

"cuddle daddy"

it wasn't a request. ma wee angel is no well at all. cough and a cold with the odd bout of throwing up. last night she had some spaghetti and she looked like a human party popper when that came back up.
so tonights blip is being typed one handed as my other arm is still supporting said angel.
(i only wish you could hear the bandsaw snore coming from this little bundle of joy)

wasn't the pic i had planned to use but that's another one for the blip bank. still not a bad effort from Mrs.McD tonight, at least you can make out that there is in fact people in the picture.
not got much to say except that it has been a good day, well for my mental well being anyway. sometimes all you need is to speak to someone with a few more years life experience than yourself. in my case it was someone with MANY YEARS more life experience than myself. so thanks for the chat mum and yes that was an age dig and sorry i didn't put it all in bold for you. maybe we can get one of those braile screens for you

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