
By richardimlach

Snow Business like Tow Business

Had the snowplough/gritter down our street today. Now, this is a suburban Edinburgh street, which my noddy wee front wheel drive car was getting up and down fine..........until the gritter came.

The gritter couldn't get up the short hillock outside our house, and was wheelspinning away. It reversed to try and do a 3 point turn, and ended up getting stuck.

Ironic given :

a) At the front, you're a snowplough, presumably designed to work your way through far bigger snow depths, and not get stuck....
b) At the back, you've got 5 tons of grit at your disposal :)

And to make matters worse, the gritter appeared to not contain a shovel in it's inventory, so they had to borrow a shovel off a neighbour.

Said gritter then spent about 15 mins trying to get out, got out, and then wheelspan and slowly slid back into the deeper snow at the kerb, and got thoroughly stuck. The gritter than spent nearly 2 hours out of action while it awaited a tow, as pictured.

So there you have it. At this point, I will say that the staff who spend 24/7 gritting the roads should be applauded, for they do seem to attract a lot of criticism. In this case, I think they just got unlucky, but I raised a smile for me anyway.....

This is my weekend blip for the theme of "Busy", albeit busy getting themselves out of a fine mess.

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