A couple of hours in Gateshead

I was dubious about getting the train this morning and even more dubious once the train encountered a blizzard shortly after leaving Edinburgh. Still, when I eventually got to Gateshead the sun was out and I managed to do, ooh, at least an hour of useful work. Then I went to the Sage to meet my old friend Cassie for a lunch that we'd already re-scheduled once due to the weather. And then I decided to head straight back to the station and see if there was any chance of getting back to Edinburgh tonight - which I did in due course, arriving just in time for the city centre gridlock to have eased, enabling me to get a bus home. Think I had an easy day of it transport-wise compared with a lot of folk in Scotland.

I saw some amazing scenes from the train, but the windows were too wet and dirty to get any blips. The view is from the Sage.

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