W for Work

Today is brought to you by the letter W and the numbers 1,2,3,4 & 5.

I headed back to work today for the first time in a week. Suprisingly it was an OK day keeping myself warm and busy with things - although it is quite hard to pick up things a week later for some things I've found!
Nonetheless I got on with things and sorted out a new mail system for a client.

Lunchtime was a challenge as I had been hearing rumours that some of the shops near the office were not stocked up with anything - so I decided to go and try the food hall at Marks and Spencer, at lunchtime on the first day of the big thaw - boy was that place heaving.
I spend about double the time I thought I would in there just waiting to pay.
My challenge was getting out of there. Thinking that I was now OK I steamed up the back steps to the rear door onto Rose Street - the cold air hit me and I was knackered. A slow walk back to the office from there......

I was glad when 5.30 came along - out the door and homeward bound.

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