Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns


Sometimes I have no idea why I like a photo. I like this one. It is strange, bokeh yummy'ness.

Today was better. Strange interactions at work that I'd love to mention here but can't. A wonderful talk with my son's teacher even though today was difficult for him. It was apparently difficult for several others as well, so I'm not so worried. I think we all just need a break.

I need to start using Kinda Horigans' counting method because that would make it only 6 days until my holiday instead of the least I think so. :)

I'm sitting here yawning, so that sort of sums up my day. It's Monday, and I'm yawning. Wow.

Oh, I took stuff back to the store today, and now I feel like a jerk. I returned a pile of candy amongst other things, and the store rep mentioned that it all had to be thrown out now that it left the store. I didn't even think of that! I felt like like an idiot to waste so much. It's just candy, but it's wrapped in boxes and plastic. Such a waste of resources. I'll be more aware in the future.

I forgot to mention this photo is of the lights on our tree. I used my 50mm lens reversed and stood back about 3 feet from the tree. Our tree is already dying quickly. Serves me right for trying a completely new breed. If you blow on it, the needles just fall off. I can't imagine what it might look like by Christmas. Probably a lot like this I suppose. And I'd love it if anyone could tell me what those weird little "O's" are in my image. And no Abstract Eyes, it is not the UofO. :)

My husband actually put lights up this year outside. It's beautiful. We've never had an outlet outside, so he installed one just special for the lights this year. :)

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