Life thru a lens

By mintfree

Tracks back in time!

Gonna whizz through today as it was quite a tough one. There were high notes though, as always, with a few people bringing a smile to my face. Thank you Steph, Arton and Fontella...Oh and Della, you mad lady you!

God I almost forgot Step toe! He sends his love Ornate! Lol!

Anyway, back to this blip...These tracks symbolise my journey back to the past as tonight I attended the christmas do for the school I used to work for. It was a good night overall, lousy buffet but good company with old friends...

Afterwards, as I drove out of the car park the radio was playing Magic and of all songs...Barbara Strisand and 'Memories'...God not now! So I'm driving out slowly over all the bumps (To prevent killing school kids on school grounds) and I'm thinking, 'I know what I was thinking all those months ago driving out of here after working my shift. How desperate I was to get another job, start paying off my debts, and start sorting out my life. I remember the good times, I remember the bad times, I remember how I felt less secure than I do now....'

So although I don't have a dream job...It's not the worst I've ever had...And for that I am truly grateful :)

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