The Chaos Bros

By vik

Walking Bro

Bro4 is a laid back little lad, he has been since he was tiny. His chilled out ways have been blipped before. Crawling took a while to muster up the energy or inclination for and walking has proved equally uninteresting.

For well over a month he has been almost walking so many times it's driven me slightly potty with frustration. He would stand, look me straight in the eye, take 2 or 3 steps then collapse in a heap of laughter. Oh yes, this game proved quite hilarious for him and his big Bros who have been watching on in anticipation of seeing him walking properly.

Well today I got my birthday present a day early, he is walking properly at long last. Hooray!

It also means he is much better able to remove things from the Christmas tree and wander off with them but hey, who cares?!

Bro4 Age 14months & 6days

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