Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Christmas Tree No.3

So soon after No.2, here is the next in the series of festive foliage blips! This one was in the waiting area of my GP surgery, where I spent quite a lot of time waiting this morning. Fortunately, I didn't waste the time, which I spent organizing my to-do list on the iPhone!

After the GP I drove the 45 minute drive to the place where my shrink and associated community mental health services live for another appointment with the lady who's helping me with preparation for returning to the world of work!

Then I went supermarket shopping, and eventually got home in the middle of the afternoon, absolutely exhausted. In fact, I'm so tired tonight I nearly didn't upload today's blip, but thanks to the wonders of the netbook I can do it relatively easily from the comfort of the sofa!

Got to be up and alive early tomorrow morning for yet another medical appointment! Attending medical appointments feels like a full-time job sometimes!

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