The Kingdom of Blue


Meet Sarah

This Sarah from Hawick in in Scotland.
She is in a wheel chair.
When she heard about my mission she started knitting teddies.

This is not a good photo as I am not good at that kind of thing. So my mentor just had to make a plan and try to sort things out for me. This is as good as it gets.

It is important that you meet Sraah as she is the first person that delivered teddies to the Kingdom of Blue.Her teddies will go to small children in South Africa soon.

Dr T (my mentor) also did something while I was away but I have warned him that this must never happen again and that he is not allowed to do things on his own. You can go to this

to see what he did. I have no link yet so I will ask Dr T to also put this link on his blip for today. He is sorry that he did not ask me first or even mentioned my name. But this is how grown-ups sometimes are.

Hoefully I will be able to show you what I am up to while in Pakisatn tommorow. In the Kingdom of Blue we can travel at the speed of light. So I am off now.


Little Blue

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