Jon's Page

By Jon_Davey

Guess what's back...

And it's been snowing off and on all day. Hope my friend J managed to get her flight back to Poland before the snow closed in. Managed to catch up with her briefly last night when it was still only cold (albeit by Scottish and not Central/Eastern European standards). As she was supposed to be taking off at 9am she should have been in the air long before the few inches of snow had meant they had to close the airport at 10:30am. Think flights are taking off again now, but no incoming flights, and an 'essential journeys only' warning for Edinburgh itself. Luckily we have the makings of tea in the house :-)

PS Thanks to the international interconnectedness of social media I have now read that she got home safely and on time. And, with the current temperature in Edinburgh only just below zero, she has arrived somewhere 12 degrees colder.

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