Rodents rule

By squirk

Where's BushCat?

This evening we went for a hilarious curry. F's dessert had us both in helpless giggles - it was VERY frozen, but he managed to eat it and he said it was tasty.

On the way home, we picked up a BushCat. Before Whisky joined the household, BushCat was a common visitor to the flat and we miss him. We took pity on him on this cold night and he came in for an hour while Whisky was out the back. BushCat hissed at all of Whisky's cushions, then settled himself down in a box. It's guaranteed that if there's a box in the room, no matter how small, BushCat will attempt to sit in it. We call this the 'Where's BushCat? We can't see him... oh where can he be?' game.

I have to stress that BushCat's owner does try to tempt BushCat in on cold nights, but this cat won't have any of it! He's a proper neighbourhood cat - likes to greet everyone on the offchance of a new box to sit in for a moment.

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