Square Frames

By squareframes

the fantastical nature

of stolen time.

A movie does its job when you are able to forget your life for two hours and indulge in the worlds of others. I have just returned from such a film and I feel refreshed. Where I was sick on my couch all day watching an SVU marathon and eating the usual; string cheese, crackers and pickles all washed down with vitaminwater- I have now become engaged with my mind. You see, it was turned off all day and such things are not good for minds like mine. And while you may argue I am crediting another glowing screen- this movie experience- for my turn around, I am feeling better. In mind, in concept and in creative thought.

So, while this is not an ideal image for my own standards, the coloring and the energy behind it are a reminder to me of how this feels. And to all my friends who know me as a workaholic- and you'll hate this next comment- I feel as though I can get back to work- which is really what fuels me in the first place. This stress and constant thought parade on how to work better, harder and efficient may be what holds me from enjoying weekends away, even one night away, but it is also the product of (right now) what I think is worthwhile. It has to do with what fills me up even though it is sometimes interlaced with all kinds of nasty things- it still fills me up. This has cost relationships, lack of social contact and also a few years of not allowing myself time to breath in and breath out.

What marks this as both an admission of a potential problem and also a statute of character is contradiction by yours truly. But we progress forward. Take more pictures. Spend more time working. More time writing. More time discovering and admitting.

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