Mediterranean Wanderer

By monkeyhanger

Almost as good as a key to the city!

It was an interesting and fun day. We set off in search of a castle...and did we find a castle! A few twists and turns aside, a few missed signs, a few roads too many and we were at the gates to the road up to the Castillo de Sax.

Sax is a very beautiful small town to the North West of Alicante. It has lovely twisty little streets that lead to the foot of the castle and has great coffee shops and a real nice feel to it.

Anyway we are all stood at the sign you see above and can't believe what we are reading. Soon we are back in the hire car all a little bit bewildered as we drive to the local Police Station laughing at the situation. Ms MH goes in whilst I wait outside with the engine running ready for a quick getaway. Out she comes with a key and minus her passport in exchange. (I must say, I was expecting something a little more large and rusty, but it was not to her hand was a Yale key with with a plastic tab...not very holy grail).

A quick U turn and back off to the castle. TheKEY fit the first lock and we were MOVINGon up with a childish amusement growing from openning up. It was like viewing a vacant property and a nice one at that! Then Ms MH had the fun of OPENING the main door to the castle...this was so cool. ( could have been any tourist day with any old ruin, but having the keys and the place to yourself was so cool.) There was little if any health and safety to the site with some serious potential for falling a long way but it was great.

Un-lit staircases lead to impressive rooms and yet more stairs led up to the roof for some FANTASTIC! views. I was sad to return the key, because if it hadn't been offers over 3 million euros, I would have bought it. Sure it needed some work but I am good with my hands and I could have made something of the place.

It was like being in an episode of Mr Ben...I walked into the changing room and put on the suit of armour and was master of the castle for the day. I couldn't help but turn and take one last LOOK at my castle before leaving.

The town of Sax was just a joy...not masses to do, but charming and all the people we met today were simply lovely.

See you tomorrow folks...that's if there is something to report.

Best wishes and happy blipping!

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