My Mother

I took my mother into my home after her discharge from the hospital to Hospice one year ago. We have a live-in caretaker six days a week. I fill in for the seventh day. A blizzard has hit New Jersey and i am due at work at midnight. The caretaker is not able to get to my house. Taxi service and all buses are suspended today. After having solicited the assistance of those I know with more rugged vehicles in helping to get Marilou here to no avail I find myself having to call my work. I cannot leave her alone. The voice at the other end of the phone stated the roads are fine and I should come in. If this was the case the taxi service, and busses would be running, Marilou would be able to get here and i would go to work. The intimidation factor comes into play here and there will be the piper to pay.

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