Another Day

By pcc

Beginning of a New Year

Took my wee dog, Amber to another park for a walk this morning, to give her different scenery and new smells to check out. Went for a drive after hoping for some inspiration to find a blip, but I am afraid I came home empty handed.
Well I hope that is not an omen for the year to come.

I did not want to do a flower, so tried the oil on water again. I set up on the outdoor table on the terrace. They all wobble. I have to hold my breath and not move so I do not cause the oil and water to move. I have a glass bowl balanced delicately above a couple of CD's. The sun light is required but it is intense, and burning my neck. I put up an umbrella to shade the dish and soften the light. The wind catches it several times and blows it away. The water and oil moves with the wind, and the oil bubbles keep running together. The water gets hotter and the oil ends up being one big bubble of oil.
I either need a helper or a better set up!!

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