
By mattleach

Load of Old Bull

Went shopping in Birmingham today. It's really gone downhill! They've done a great job developing it and I think Selfridges looks amazing ( It was going to be my Blip again!) but the place is just full of gangs of chavs. William got really nervous up there due to a couple of 'incidents' we saw and clung to us the whole way round.

Oh well at least the shopping trip proved successful. With me buying a cardigan, some boots and some 'carrot fit' jeans which are apparently very trendy? They actually fit me me great. Not because I'm trendy, but because I think I must be carrot shaped? I need time to get use to the saggy crotch thing though?

Took a few scenic/arty blips of Brum but I'm afraid I'm using this stereotypical tourist shot of Will on the Brummy Bull outside the new Abercrombie and Fitch shop. It's a terrible shot with so much wrong with it but I like it for just for memories sake.

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