Miss Scarlett

By missscarlett

My Birthday!

So today was my 15th birthday, wow 15 sounds big.

I got up and opened all my lovely presents (of which I loved them all!), and then got ready and went out the Nandos with family. We reserved seats at the cinema beforehand which turned out very worthwhile because there were only 5 seats left....... right on the front row.
So we went to Nandos after a half hour wait for a table, and then we were a little early for the cinema so we popped to shops ... and I got a few more presents! The film was really good, (The new Narnia), but hard to work out fast, action scenes because the front row was only about a metre from the screen so we were constantly having to turn out heads! Mum complained afterwards. EMBARASSING!

I can't believe i'll be 16 next year... weird.

Back to school tomorrow, what a lovely thought to have in my head on my birthday.

Oh, and this is a picture of my inventive, but lovely, birthday cake! Feel a bit stuffed now......

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