Jess & Molly Law

By jml

Good pals

This is (for us) a most unusual photograph. Rarely do Molly & Jess get in the car together (not voluntarily, at any rate).

We do a lot of travelling, and they are often with us. (Argyll, 2009). But each, in her own way, has problems with the car.

For a year, Jess was travel-sick. Thankfully, she got over that, and she has been all over Scotland with us. But she has never liked to get in without being prompted. Usually, we put the lead on her and ask her to jump - which she does without complaint. One of the few times she has gone, unprompted, into the boot was when she was stung in the paw by a bee. We rang Fiona, the vet, who told us to bring her down immediately. Jess seemed to understand and went rightaway and jumped up.

Molly, on the other hand, loves the car. She would happily stay in it all day long. But if she senses that we actually want her to get in (because we are going somewhere), then she refuses until she has been given a treat!!!

Recently, Jess has been seen occasionally in the back of the car by herself. We even had a blip of the two car-family). But this must be the few times that we have found them both in the back of the same vehicle, without us leading them to it.

Even now, we can see that Molly is hogging the side of the car that usually belongs to Jess.

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