Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1

Flightyopolus Floatus

I've no idea what the actual name of this bird is, although im sure my brother will correct me! The usual lunch time wander was desperately needed today after I ended up archiving all morning, and afternoon for that matter, there is one good side to this as I can just put on my headphones and ignore the world, or the immediate ramblings from various people in the office. Also it sounds like my current job position may be changing, although its a bit late for that but they are yet to find out.

Back home and i've got several things to do, scan in some old photos and, more importantly set up the turbo trainer and actually get going on the bike! The bike is the one thing which helps me loads, I get restless and twitchy if I cant get out so not using it for a few months is really beginning to show.

I also have a more cropped version here Crop

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