It's a Good Thing He's Cute....

The newest lounging place for Boone...he has taken over one of the chairs the kids like to use (though I fear he will outgrow it by the end of the week!)

Went for a bit of a walk this morning with Mr C and the dogs. Cold, but not raining. While on our walk, I noticed a few places on the exterior of the house that Boone has found quite tasty. And of course they happen to be on the fancy trim work we paid extra for...a little primer and paint will do wonders I hope.

Recap of a conversation between Mr C and me this morning:
Mr C: Mommy, don't come in the bathroom (as he shuts the door)
Me: You tell me what you are doing and I won't come in.
Mr C: Mommy, the lid on Ms. B's toothpaste come off
Me: It came off by itself?
Mr C: Yes, and it made a mess in the sink.

You can figure out the rest....

Oh, and Mr. C just came out of the bathroom with his pants on backwards again :)

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