
By memento

Warp 7.2

The speed at which the year 2011 is going by with and it's not slowing down.

The first week of the year done and dusted and I have made but a small dent in my list that was to be completed by the end of the first week. It's all stupid stuff too; things that, if I croaked right now, would bring no-one to say: that lardo, I can't believe she didn't get that done before she...she, she....

At this rate, a few fun trips that are in the planning stages will be here before I know it; a big one over the pond, a little one up to the lake, maybe two and if we're lucky, a spring visit from rellies who like to fish. They like to fish, I like to plan and cook for groups so it'll be a good match.

I'm also thinking an eighties party in the neighborhood this summer. Lots of Duran Duran, Flock of Seagulls and all those other fantastic bands from my youth. The first one to say they were in diapers or first grade in the eighties gets a virtual slap.

And I ra-a-an, I ran so far awa-a-ay...hmmm.mmm m.m.

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