
By dailykeith

Underneath the arches

I took a look at the canal bridge they are building in Stroud town centre yesterday and considered blipping it. But it's all boring concrete blocks and steel rods.

So today I've taken a trip back in time to engineering of the Victorian era. And although there might be weeds, rubble and graffiti, I think there is a real beauty about the way they built their railway bridges.

In my opinion, the graceful arches and red brick are a joy to behold.

This is about half a mile from the town centre and, interestingly, the canal will make its way underneath this bridge in the not too distant future, just like it always used to.

At the moment water is chanelled underground here, but a canal restoration scheme will eventually have narrow boats sailing along a new section of waterway.

I think it's fair to say that this section is one of the biggest challenges the project team faces in this first phase of the operation.

Anyway, it's time for the Sunday roast!

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